



Grooming Principles and Authentic Image Management

By Jon Michail There’s no point being in denial about the importance of good grooming. The consequences of this failure can be discrimination and exclusion, and you never get a second chance at making a first impression. Why do we bother so much with appearances?...

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Grooming Principles and Authentic Image Management

By Jon Michail There’s no point being in denial about the importance of good grooming. The consequences of this failure can be discrimination and exclusion, and you never get a second chance at making a first impression. Why do we bother so much with appearances?...

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Our mission is to connect and collaborate with others who are interested in breaking free from the fear and confusion to maximise their personal power impact, influence, and value, and in the process to grow their businesses and career and to live joyful lives – for themselves and for their families.


Using the Core Values Index to Live a Purpose Driven Life

Using the Core Values Index to Live a Purpose Driven Life

By Jon Michail Here at Image Group International, we don’t particularly like to rely on personality tests, but we do believe in core values and Taylor Protocols’ Core Values Index TM (CVI TM) as an evidence-based assessment of unchanging values. I find this an...

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Creating a good-looking business brand

Creating a good-looking business brand

Apple's London store. Image: CNET  By Jon Michail Good design is really all about good communication. It is about different elements working in harmony to tell a story. This is as true in business as it is in life. Humans are visual beings, and we are drawn to things...

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Relationships are your key to success

By Jon Michail You may have heard the old phrase – ‘No man is an island’.  That’s because people cannot thrive in isolation. We need others to help us grow and evolve, to learn from and to pass our knowledge to. In order for us to reach our full potential, we need...

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