Managing your Workplace Reputation

Managing your Workplace Reputation

Workplace Reputation can be flawed. It relies on perception. As a result, reputation and perception changes every time we meet a new combination of people. You can be in a room meeting six introverts but, you might leave the meeting feeling like the chattiest person...


It’s a truism that most of us want to live long, happy, successful, and healthy lives. Unfortunately, in our pursuit of success we often take shortcuts with our health—and wind up suffering from various ailments and disabilities that we could have avoided. Visit...

BEWARE: Fake personal brands – online

By Jon Michail Do you tell falsehoods? Have you ever been tempted to exaggerate just a tiny bit on your webpage, your LinkedIn account or your Twitter or Facebook profiles? And if you have, do you even care that your family and close friends know that you are a...