by Jon Michail | Dec 23, 2015 | Asia, Australia, Australian, Brand, Business, Business Branding, Business Building, Entrepreneurship, Jon Michail, Leadership, Personal Brand, Personal Brand Leadership, Personal Branding, Success
By Jon Michail Most sustainable relationships between Australia and Asia are primarily based on interactions and associations. Therefore it is important to have a credible personal brand for instant impact. There are three components in building a credible personal... by Jon Michail | Nov 26, 2015 | Asia, Business, Business Building, Entrepreneurship
IGI in the News By Jon Michail | Business First Magazine Protocols are paramount when conducting business with Asian partners. Jon Michail offers his tips to making the best of your Asian business experience. The top 4 Asian business tips (i) Learn & Understand... by Jon Michail | Jul 6, 2015 | Asia, Entrepreneurship, Jon Michail, Personal Branding
by Leslie Downes The entrepreneur is no longer being seen as something unteachable, something only a born talent can produce. It is well within the realm of possibility for someone to be taught the techniques, methods, and ideals an entrepreneur must have in order to... by Jon Michail | May 11, 2015 | Appearance, Asia, Career, Career Branding, Career Building, Career Coaching, career success, Corporate Branding, Entrepreneurship, IGI in the News, job interview, Personal Branding, Success
By Tijan Biner | 8 May 2015 | upstart A study suggests luxury clothing gives job seekers a better chance at employment. Tijan Biner examines whether designer brands can make or break a career. New research suggests people who wear expensive or luxury brand clothing to... by Jon Michail | Jan 15, 2014 | Asia, Business, Business Branding, Business Coaching, Entrepreneurship
Gavin Lower, Editor, StartupSmart | 10 January 2014 Chinese billionaire Chen Guangbiao became an internet sensation recently after pictures of his business card listing his attributes, including “Most Influential Person in China”, went viral. Other qualities spruiked... by Jon Michail | Nov 28, 2013 | Asia, Business, Business Branding, Entrepreneurship, Personal Brand, Personal Branding
As reported by Bloomberg, David Beckham’s latest financial deal illustrates the savviness of the champion athlete while playing on the field but also with his entrepreneurial efforts off it, cementing his future once his playing days are over. It’s what we call...