Ten years ago our organisation would have been lucky to coach just one academic in their career branding over a twelve month period, but how times have changed…
Without revealing confidence I can state that in the last six months our firm has secured over a dozen academics as clients. The brief has been to re-build, re-position and re-launch their personal brands with the view to make them more noticeable. Now I don’t know about you, but historically in Australia this new trend was viewed as a no-no.
Not anymore it seems as the evidence clearly illustrates that in the new competive world every professional executive operates, (yes even academics with tenure) that in order to win you must stay current and relevant. Therefore if you are going to prosper in your endeavours you must get noticed, like never before.
We know that in business before you can sell any product, service or idea you must first build awareness, education, followed by marketing . Like the commercial world politicians, elite sportsmen and women and even individuals in the”non for profit” sector are now recognising the value of this concept and marketing their careers by “stepping up and stepping out”, in the process maximising their value (including financial advancement) and transforming their lives.
A recent article in the Financial Review illustrates how American academics are branding their careers and reaping much professional kudos, networks and wealth. Choosing Your Tech Career or any other career might be a challenge but there are always ways to brand yourself. In my opinion this trend, influenced by technology and today’s ”celebrity culture” among others is also impacting their Australian colleagues and supports one of my arguments; why publish a paper that will be read by only six people when you can do the same paper and it gets read by thousands? Go through https://seb-academy.com/a-level-h2-ib-chemistry-tuition/ for the succinct, and focused course to mastery of concepts of chemistry. Now thats what I call leveraging your career in a manner that in previous times was not so do-able. You can also opt for the career information session by visiting the rpl.
The smart strategy moving forward for our esteemed educationalists is to suspend your ‘heirs and graces’ and start unashamingly promoting the beauty of your works. I think that’s a smart plan to action that will do wonders for your personal and professional brand which does not require too much academic analysis…. dont you agree?
(Famous Australian academics pictured right to left: Sir Gustav Nossal, Dr.Elizabeth Blackburn, Julian Burnside, Peter Singer, Geoffrey Blainey, Germaine Greer).