Aaron Langmaid | Herald Sun | 14 June 2015

THE fairytale NBA finals ­series of Maryborough marvel Matthew Dellavedova is set to make him a multi-millionaire.

As a restricted free agent at the end of the season, Dellavedova could make more than $3 million a season in a bidding war between clubs.

And that’s before he lends his name to various brands across the US and Australia.

Marketing figures say the unassuming country boy could become one of Australia’s greatest sporting exports.

According to Image Group International’s Jon Michail:

“This is an opportunity for him to leverage his popularity. He is going to get a lot more than a $1 million contract.”

“He’s on a low base now, so I could see his management would capitalise on his name for endorsements for everything from food products to men’s grooming.”

“He’s a grunt and he has polarised his audience, but I think American audiences are drawn to that.”


Matthew Dellavedova controls the ball against the Golden State Warriors.

A month ago, Dellavedova could have happily walked down any street in America unnoticed. Not any more.

In the space of a few short weeks, the 24-year-old from country Victoria has earned himself cult status for his ­aggressive basketball.

Such was the power of his performance in game three of the series, Cleveland Cavaliers teammate and NBA superstar LeBron James called for the Aussie to be knighted.

His No.8 Cavs singlet sold out across the US and now “Delly’’ looks set to cash in.

Celebrity agent Max Markson said Dellavedova was set to pocket off-court earnings of up to $10 million.


Matthew Dellavedova in his school days.

“In Australia, the major ­corporations will be looking to sign him up,” he said. “A car manufacturer or a telecommunications company.

“In America, it’s such a bigger market and there is no end … he has made his mark.’’

Hoops legend Andrew Gaze said Dellavedova had showed what he was capable of, but he was likely to take a measured approach to his career.

“He has established himself as a legitimate NBA player and one that will be well rewarded,” Gaze said. “He is in a great situation playing alongside Kyrie Irving — if something happens, they know they have a more than adequate backup and a fierce competitor.

“He is a humble, modest sort of guy who fits the stereotype of a country kid. He is fiercely competitive but in a good way — he has white line fever and is a beast out on the floor and diligent in preparation but realises his limitations and understands he doesn’t necessarily have the same gifts as others and … he has to work hard.’’

© 2015 Herald Sun | This article was written by Aaron Langmaid and first appeared in the Herald Sun on 14 June 2015.

Jon Michail is Group CEO of Image Group International, Australasia’s No 1 image coach. Image Group International supports executives and entrepreneurs to become iconic and monetised leadership brands.

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