2016 is Here… Renovate Yourself!

I have worked out with wonderful trainers for the last 20 years, but found that with the longer work hours each day that allowed me to leave the city on Thursday night I had no time for a one hour-training session.  I found a trainer in the country, but some house...

Life is not a spectator sport – start monetising your personal brand

By Jon Michail “Stepping out of the shadows and taking ahold of the reigns is daunting for many, and the idea of building a personal brand is almost nauseating — being something only those in the media spotlight do”, said a recent client on a first coaching session....

How technology reinvents Monica Lewinsky and her personal brand

During a past coaching session with a “dishonoured” client that had reputation issues, the discussion turned to how we can positively reshape their perception in the marketplace due to past indiscretions. We started by defining their current-personal brand DNA, and...