IGI IN THE NEWS | Dressing for success

By Elicia Murray | Australian Women’s Weekly | 12 February 2014 Is there any truth to the old adage that you should dress for the job you want, not the job you have? We dusted off our sharpest suit and consulted the experts. Here’s what they had to...

Why You Need an Executive Business Coach

By Jon-Michail You know you have all the skills and capabilities required for your job, but sometimes you need just a little extra help and guidance to help you along the corporate track. Who will you ask? It would be simple if you were an athlete – you’d ask the...

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Sport Stars

As a business person, what will you, be doing two decades from now? Will you be a star entrepreneur in your industry? Will your business have become a top contender? Strange as it may seem, if you start thinking like a sports star, you may become one of the elite....

The Angel Oak – A metaphor for ongoing personal transformation

Best Workout Plan To Transform Your Body If your number one health and fitness goal is to add lean muscle to your frame and transform how you look with your top off, then you’ve come to the right place. This workout plan is designed to help you get big by building...