The Angel Oak – A metaphor for ongoing personal transformation

Best Workout Plan To Transform Your Body If your number one health and fitness goal is to add lean muscle to your frame and transform how you look with your top off, then you’ve come to the right place. This workout plan is designed to help you get big by building...

Ten ways to brand yourself and your business

By Jon Michail What do you really do when you “brand yourself”? The term may mean different things to different people, but there are a few basics most of us would agree on. Branding yourself means making yourself visible to your business community and beyond. It...

Life is not a spectator sport – start monetising your personal brand

By Jon Michail “Stepping out of the shadows and taking ahold of the reigns is daunting for many, and the idea of building a personal brand is almost nauseating — being something only those in the media spotlight do”, said a recent client on a first coaching session....

Do Uniform Codes Matter?

Is there anyone in Australia who hasn’t been required to wear a uniform at one time or another? Most of us have not-so-fond memories of school uniforms that were itchy, synthetic, shapeless, expensive, seemingly designed by an alien and all-round hideous. Here at...